# Making a Currency System
A common feature of Discord bots is a currency system. It's possible to do everything in one object, but we can also abstract that in terms of relations between objects. This is where the power of a RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) truly shines. Sequelize calls these associations, so we'll be using that term from now on.
# File overview
There will be multiple files: a DB init script, your models, and your bot script. In the previous tutorial, we placed all of these in the same file. Having everything in one file isn't an ideal practice, so we'll correct that.
This time we'll have six files.
is where we'll keep the main bot code.dbInit.js
is the initialization file for the database. We run this once and forget about it.dbObjects.js
is where we'll import the models and create associations here.models/Users.js
is the Users model. Users will have a currency attribute in here.models/CurrencyShop.js
is the Shop model. The shop will have a name and a price for each item.models/UserItems.js
is the junction table between the users and the shop. A junction table connects two tables. Our junction table will have an additional field for the amount of that item the user has.
# Create models
Here is an entity relation diagram of the models we'll be making:
have a user_id
, and a balance
. Each user_id
can have multiple links to the UserItems
table, and each entry in the table connects to one of the items in the CurrencyShop
, which will have a name
and a cost
associated with it.
To implement this, we'll begin by making a models
folder and create a Users.js
file inside which contains the following:
module.exports = (sequelize, DataTypes) => {
return sequelize.define('users', {
user_id: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
primaryKey: true,
balance: {
type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
defaultValue: 0,
allowNull: false,
}, {
timestamps: false,
Like you see in the diagram above, our Users model will only have two attributes: a user_id
primary key and a balance
. A primary key is a particular attribute that becomes the default column used when joining tables together, and it is automatically unique and not null
Balance also sets allowNull
to false
, which means that both values have to be set in conjunction with creating a primary key; otherwise, the database would throw an error. This constraint guarantees correctness in our data storage. We'll never have null
or empty values, ensuring that if we somehow forget to validate in the application that both values are not null
, our database would do the final validation for us.
Notice that our options object sets timestamps
to false
. This option disables the createdAt
and the updatedAt
columns that sequelize usually creates for you. Setting user_id
to primary also eliminates the id
primary key that Sequelize usually generates for you since there can only be one primary key on a table.
Next, still in the same models
folder, create a CurrencyShop.js
file that contains the following:
module.exports = (sequelize, DataTypes) => {
return sequelize.define('currency_shop', {
name: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
unique: true,
cost: {
type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
allowNull: false,
}, {
timestamps: false,
Like our Users model, we don't need the timestamps here, so we'll disable it. Unlike the Users model, however, we only set unique
to true
here, allowing you to change the name without affecting the primary key that joins this to the next object. This gets generated automatically by sequelize since we didn't set a primary key.
The next file will be UserItems.js
, our junction table.
module.exports = (sequelize, DataTypes) => {
return sequelize.define('user_item', {
user_id: DataTypes.STRING,
item_id: DataTypes.STRING,
amount: {
type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
allowNull: false,
'default': 0,
}, {
timestamps: false,
Our junction table will link user_id
and the id
of the currency shop together. It also contains an amount
number, which indicates how many of that item a user has.
# Initialize database
Now that the models are defined, we should create them in our database to access them in the bot file. We ran the sync in the ready
event in our bot in the previous tutorial, which is entirely unnecessary since it only needs to run once. We can make a file to initialize the database and never touch it again unless we want to remake the entire database.
Create a file called dbInit.js
in the base directory (not in the models
Make sure you use version 5 or later of Sequelize! Version 4, as used in this guide, will pose a security threat. You can read more about this issue on the Sequelize issue tracker (opens new window).
const Sequelize = require('sequelize');
const sequelize = new Sequelize('database', 'username', 'password', {
host: 'localhost',
dialect: 'sqlite',
logging: false,
storage: 'database.sqlite',
const CurrencyShop = require('./models/CurrencyShop')(sequelize, Sequelize.DataTypes);
require('./models/Users')(sequelize, Sequelize.DataTypes);
require('./models/UserItems')(sequelize, Sequelize.DataTypes);
const force = process.argv.includes('--force') || process.argv.includes('-f');
sequelize.sync({ force }).then(async () => {
const shop = [
CurrencyShop.upsert({ name: 'Tea', cost: 1 }),
CurrencyShop.upsert({ name: 'Coffee', cost: 2 }),
CurrencyShop.upsert({ name: 'Cake', cost: 5 }),
await Promise.all(shop);
console.log('Database synced');
Here we pull the two models and the junction table from the respective model declarations, sync them, and add items to our shop.
A new function here is the .upsert()
function. It's a portmanteau for update or insert. We use upsert
here to avoid creating duplicates if you run this file multiple times. That shouldn't happen because we defined name as unique, but there's no harm in being safe. Upsert also has a nice side benefit; If you adjust the cost, the respective item should also have their cost updated.
Execute node dbInit.js
to create the database tables. Unless you make a change to the models, you'll never need to touch the file again. If you change a model, you can execute node dbInit.js --force
or node dbInit.js -f
to force sync your tables. It's important to note that this will empty and remake your model tables.
# Create associations
Next, we'll add our associations to the models. Create a file named dbObjects.js
in the base directory, next to dbInit.js
const Sequelize = require('sequelize');
const sequelize = new Sequelize('database', 'username', 'password', {
host: 'localhost',
dialect: 'sqlite',
logging: false,
storage: 'database.sqlite',
const Users = require('./models/Users')(sequelize, Sequelize.DataTypes);
const CurrencyShop = require('./models/CurrencyShop')(sequelize, Sequelize.DataTypes);
const UserItems = require('./models/UserItems')(sequelize, Sequelize.DataTypes);
UserItems.belongsTo(CurrencyShop, { foreignKey: 'item_id', as: 'item' });
/* eslint-disable-next-line func-names */
Users.prototype.addItem = async function(item) {
const userItem = await UserItems.findOne({
where: { user_id: this.user_id, item_id: item.id },
if (userItem) {
userItem.amount += 1;
return userItem.save();
return UserItems.create({ user_id: this.user_id, item_id: item.id, amount: 1 });
/* eslint-disable-next-line func-names */
Users.prototype.getItems = function() {
return UserItems.findAll({
where: { user_id: this.user_id },
include: ['item'],
module.exports = { Users, CurrencyShop, UserItems };
Note that we could have abstracted the connection object in another file and had both dbInit.js
and dbObjects.js
use that connection file, but it's not necessary to overly abstract things.
The new method we haven't seen yet is the .belongsTo()
method. Using this method, we add CurrencyShop
as a property of UserItem
so that when we do userItem.item
, we get the respectively attached item. We use item_id
as the foreign key so that it knows which item to reference.
We now add some prototypes to the User object to finish up the junction: add items to users, and get their current inventory. The code inside should be somewhat familiar from the last tutorial. We use a .findOne()
to get the item if it exists in the user's inventory. If it does, increment it; otherwise, create it.
Getting items is similar; we just .findAll()
using the user's id as the key. The include
key is for associating the CurrencyShop with the item. We have to explicitly tell Sequelize to honor the .belongsTo()
association; otherwise, it will take the path of the least effort.
# Application code
We'll create an app.js
in the base directory with the following skeleton code to put it together.
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const client = new Discord.Client();
const { Users, CurrencyShop } = require('./dbObjects');
const { Op } = require('sequelize');
const currency = new Discord.Collection();
const PREFIX = '!';
// [alpha]
client.once('ready', async () => {
// [beta]
console.log(`Logged in as ${client.user.tag}!`);
client.on('message', async message => {
if (message.author.bot) return;
currency.add(message.author.id, 1);
if (!message.content.startsWith(PREFIX)) return;
const input = message.content.slice(PREFIX.length).trim();
if (!input.length) return;
const [, command, commandArgs] = input.match(/(\w+)\s*([\s\S]*)/);
if (command === 'balance') {
// [gamma]
} else if (command === 'inventory') {
// [delta]
} else if (command === 'transfer') {
// [epsilon]
} else if (command === 'buy') {
// [zeta]
} else if (command === 'shop') {
// [theta]
} else if (command === 'leaderboard') {
// [lambda]
Nothing special about this skeleton. We import the Users and CurrencyShop models from our dbObjects.js
file and add a currency Collection. Every time someone talks, we add 1 to their currency count. The rest is just standard discord.js code and a simple if/else command handler. We're using the currency Collection to cache individual users' currency, so we don't have to hit the database for every lookup. I've used an if/else handler here, but you can put it in a framework or command handler as long as you maintain a reference to the models and the currency collection.
# [alpha] Helper methods
Reflect.defineProperty(currency, 'add', {
/* eslint-disable-next-line func-name-matching */
value: async function add(id, amount) {
const user = currency.get(id);
if (user) {
user.balance += Number(amount);
return user.save();
const newUser = await Users.create({ user_id: id, balance: amount });
currency.set(id, newUser);
return newUser;
Reflect.defineProperty(currency, 'getBalance', {
/* eslint-disable-next-line func-name-matching */
value: function getBalance(id) {
const user = currency.get(id);
return user ? user.balance : 0;
We're defining an .add()
method to our currency collection. We'll use it quite frequently, so having a method for it makes our lives easier. We'll also add a .getBalance()
method so that we'll always get a number.
# [beta] Ready event data sync
const storedBalances = await Users.findAll();
storedBalances.forEach(b => currency.set(b.user_id, b));
In our ready event, we want to sync our currency collection with the database for easy access later.
# [gamma] Show user balance
const target = message.mentions.users.first() || message.author;
return message.channel.send(`${target.tag} has ${currency.getBalance(target.id)}💰`);
Nothing tricky here. We use our .getBalance()
method to show either the author's or the mentioned user's balance.
# [delta] Show user inventory
const target = message.mentions.users.first() || message.author;
const user = await Users.findOne({ where: { user_id: target.id } });
const items = await user.getItems();
if (!items.length) return message.channel.send(`${target.tag} has nothing!`);
return message.channel.send(`${target.tag} currently has ${items.map(i => `${i.amount} ${i.item.name}`).join(', ')}`);
Here we begin to see the power of associations. Even though users and the shop are different tables, and the data is stored separately, we can get a user's inventory by looking at the junction table and join it with the shop; no duplicated item names that waste space!
# [epsilon] Transfer currency to another user
const currentAmount = currency.getBalance(message.author.id);
const transferAmount = commandArgs.split(/ +/g).find(arg => !/<@!?\d+>/g.test(arg));
const transferTarget = message.mentions.users.first();
if (!transferAmount || isNaN(transferAmount)) return message.channel.send(`Sorry ${message.author}, that's an invalid amount.`);
if (transferAmount > currentAmount) return message.channel.send(`Sorry ${message.author}, you only have ${currentAmount}.`);
if (transferAmount <= 0) return message.channel.send(`Please enter an amount greater than zero, ${message.author}.`);
currency.add(message.author.id, -transferAmount);
currency.add(transferTarget.id, transferAmount);
return message.channel.send(`Successfully transferred ${transferAmount}💰 to ${transferTarget.tag}. Your current balance is ${currency.getBalance(message.author.id)}💰`);
As a bot creator, you should always be thinking about how to make the user experience better. Good UX makes users less frustrated with your commands. If your inputs are different types, don't make them memorize which parameters come before the other.
We want to allow users to do both !transfer 5 @user
and !transfer @user 5
. So what we're going to do is grab the first non-mention text in the command. In the second line of the above code, we split the command by spaces, and then we look for anything that doesn't match a mention, and we'll assume that's the transfer amount. Then we do some checking to make sure it's a valid input. You can also do error checking on the transfer target, but we won't include that here because of its triviality.
We use .add()
for both removing and adding currency. Since we already check if the transfer amount is below zero, it will be safe to apply the transfer amount's additive inverse to their balance.
# [zeta] Buying an item
const item = await CurrencyShop.findOne({ where: { name: { [Op.like]: commandArgs } } });
if (!item) return message.channel.send(`That item doesn't exist.`);
if (item.cost > currency.getBalance(message.author.id)) {
return message.channel.send(`You currently have ${currency.getBalance(message.author.id)}, but the ${item.name} costs ${item.cost}!`);
const user = await Users.findOne({ where: { user_id: message.author.id } });
currency.add(message.author.id, -item.cost);
await user.addItem(item);
message.channel.send(`You've bought: ${item.name}.`);
For users to search for an item without caring about the letter casing, we use the $iLike
modifier when looking for the name. Keep in mind that this may be slow if you have millions of items, so please don't put a million items in your shop.
# [theta] Display the shop
const items = await CurrencyShop.findAll();
return message.channel.send(items.map(item => `${item.name}: ${item.cost}💰`).join('\n'), { code: true });
There's nothing special here; just a regular .findAll()
to get all the items in the shop and .map()
to transform that data into something nice looking.
# [lambda] Display the leaderboard
return message.channel.send(
currency.sort((a, b) => b.balance - a.balance)
.filter(user => client.users.cache.has(user.user_id))
.map((user, position) => `(${position + 1}) ${(client.users.cache.get(user.user_id).tag)}: ${user.balance}💰`)
{ code: true },
Nothing extraordinary here either. We could have queried the database for the top ten currency holders, but we already have access to them locally, so sort the Collection we have and use map again to display it in a friendly format. The filter is in case the users no longer exist in the bot's cache.
# Resulting code
If you want to compare your code to the code we've constructed so far, you can review it over on the GitHub repository here (opens new window).